New Theatre Experience with D CINEMA

August 24, 2007

Outstanding picture quality fron D-Cinema playing films made in a digital format is expected to bring people back to the theatres We will soon see these movies to fond out how good they are.The article can explain better than I can.

South Korea and the Future of Technology

July 6, 2007

Korea has embraced the internet and e-commerce perhaps more than any country in the world.99.1 percent of internet users in Korea use broadband connection and new technologies are being developed at a fast and furious pace and they are looking to expand in new markets to sell their products.Companies have developed Smart Phones, Video Phones, Wireless IP Phones, Holographic 3D Displays and more wonders. The population has embraced the internet and 74.1% of them use online transactions. For a description of what new technologies will be in our future please click here.

Downloading Movies

July 2, 2007

There are a lot of people out there that know how to illegally download movies. It used to be that alot of peoiple used tp download music illegally ,but things have changed. A number of companies led by Apple started legal downloading web sites that offered quality music and a reasonable price. Well histoty is about to repeat itself but this time the downloads are Motion Pictures and TV. Apple once again is leading the way but other companies have their own plans. Possibly you might not know how this downloading universe will work so I have found information on some of the possibilities that will be available to us .Please click here.

Digital Technology in Theaters

June 26, 2007

There is much happening in the background which will change our movie viewing experience at your local theater. The current is using film to carry the image you see on the screen.A new digital format will greatly improve the quality of what you see on the screen and make 3D movies much more popular.These changes are not far off as more theaters change to the digital format.More news here.